

January 23, 2013

Greeting Cards

When was the last time you actually wrote a greeting card? With all the wide range and assortment that stores have, come chose and get one for someone special. That I miss, blame technology, blame FB, twitter and other social media, well excuse to people who are miles away, but hey it's never to late to go back to basic, eh?

So get one! I just did, since my Mom and Dad doesn't have FB with no plans of having one, and they'll be celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary on February 14, yes, Valentine's day. I always see to it that they'll receive greetings cards from me and my sibs on their special day, oh and that made me think of buying the Husband, and oh am making one for Travis too, hope he'll appreciate it. 


Make those red pens ready too. 

Q: Do you spray his or your fave perfume on cards? 

January 5, 2013

To My Mom

Happy Birthday to You!!! 

You are the BEST! I love you! 

PS, by the time I reach your age (praying that I will) I know I'll look like you! 

January 2, 2013

2012, the Year that Was and Here's to 2013

2012 has been good, great and perfect for me, my family and love ones. 

And there's more to life -- 2013! 

We welcome the year with sky lanterns and some light fireworks. 

Thank you Lord for all the blessings, opportunity and challenges that made us strong and understanding. May we continue to serve our purpose that we may Glorify You.

Happy New Year Everyone! 


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