You may ask what does a 1 year and 4 months and 27 days boy named Travis doing inside the movie theater, well we let him experience it, for once. The Husband and I were thinking what would Travis do inside, our thoughts were right, he sat down, he was behaved and points at the screens, claps and even laugh, okay he laughs whenever I laugh, so much of a delayed reaction. He then sat at my lap, and ate some of my popcorn, then laughed and clapped again.
I think he enjoyed the movie in his own ways..
He woke up just before the the movie ends. Talking about timing. I don't know, maybe he enjoyed the dark and cold set-up of the movie house, and even the noise doesn't bothered him at all..
So that means, he can be my next movie date, aside from the original, the baby Daddy.
Have you seen the movie? Go see, it's a must-see, trust me. :)
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