

February 12, 2012

Every 12th of the Month

We (still) celebrate it every 12th with either a piece of cake, sometimes a whole cake, it isn't bad anyway.

So today marks Travis' 1 year and 6 month. 
Happy Birth Day Travis! 
And I just think that it was too fast. 

And that every days in between made me realize I'm still a student to being a Mother, am still learning and I'm okay with that all, embracing those times I get to spend with him now that I'm officially a working mom, that means there's only two whole days I get to be with him, yes sad. That's why everyday I see to it the Husband and I goes home early as possible, my everyday isn't bad, after all I can bring him to work any time I want. 

Oh hey, it's 2 days before Valentines Day and my Parent's 45th wedding anniversary, I'm (or I may say we, together with my 4 brothers) were accustomed not celebrating V-day on it's day. We spend it everyday. Yes, everyday! Do you have a date? Me? I date him ( and the baby daddy) everyday. Try it. *wink

Travis at 6 months 02142011

Now, this got me thinking, what's happening on the 14th?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Please celebrate it with me again next month and the next and the next. - <3 Travis


Thanks for your time


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