

March 21, 2011

PowerBooks, Trinoma

Bet you've been in a new place and told yourself; " I think I can live here.." 
Me, I just did. When I saw the newly renovated Powerbooks' Trinoma. I just fell in love with it. 
Let me tour you away. 

PB before: (photo lifted from PB's multiply site

PB now: (Sorry I just used my BB's camera for the first six photos)

Them titles.. 

Those I didn't get..

Here's what I got this time.. 
Since, I'm (still) no Chef.. I'll start with the basic (again?) Haha..
And Angel (our househelp) loves cooking like I do. I bought her (and I) recipe books.

And since I have something for myself, ofcourse the little Travis have his too. 

And if you spend at least P1,500 you'll get a free Powerbook Notebook. NICE! :)

And guess who's busy? And I think he likes it. Another book added to Travis and Mom's Read-Time! 


  1. keep him reading! <3

    much love,

  2. That would be a nice training for your little one. I also love reading books and so as my little F

    Thanks for the visit


Thanks for your time


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