

August 28, 2011

Mom, Can You Take Me There, Please?



After his scheduled clinic visit last week, we drove his Yaya to the nearest McDo to pee. We didn't bought anything cause we'll go straight to the mall from here. As a child, I see him wanting to play with Ronald McDonald who's waving Hi there. It's like him saying, "Hey, Ronald, Travis' here." Haha. When we arrived at the mall we go straight to McDo, okay I am so guilty. Haha. 

Good news is Travis was given a "yes, you can go to the mall na" by his pedia. His lungs is clear, no more cough, no more colds, with only one medication left, and of course tons of fruits, including his favorite Oranges. Thank God! It was a relief knowing his breathing is clear, he is scheduled by December for his next vaccine, and I'm praying that within those three months, his bronchitis or asthma would go back. We should be ready and good by next month, I'm excited for our family's very first trip out of the country, we're going to Singapore, Daddy J, Me and our Travis boy!

I think Travis would be surprised (and me too!) if he'll get to McDonald's Singapore, whadyathink?

And now, I'm trying to call McDonalds delivery, perfect for snack time on a Sunday at home. When is the last time you called McDo and have those fries + float delivered at your doorstep, or is it just me? With P40 fixed delivery charge. Whew! Okay, havta go now. Gotta munch. 

Have a great week all, xx

August 21, 2011

He Loves Oranges



Two days after his birthday celebration, our Travis had colds, some say it's his party's hangover, some say probably because of his Tarzan costume he wore earlier that day for a pictorial -- for whatever reason he got colds - I need to do something about it. So aside from his usual vitamins, he had oranges everyday, good thing he loved it. Tell you, I myself doesn't like fruits but I told Travis (though he might not understand it yet, now) I want him to know fruits are just one of the best thing in this world. 

Now, he's getting better. From his last check up, 5 days ago, his Pedia says he got bronchitis and have to undergo medication for almost 8 days to 2 weeks. He just met Nilo, the nebulizer, if and ever this bronchitis comes back after 3 months, then he might have asthma, forgive me but I don't know anything about asthma, good thing the Husband knows how to operate Nilo and what to do and what-not. Thank God for Husbands who's on-hand with their babies. He's my orange now. 

Hey, don't forget to eat some oranges. Trust me. You'll smile to it's sweetness! Have a great week ahead!  

August 20, 2011

The Weekend That Was


My apology for being so busy, that I haven't updated my blog and also the winners of my blog giveaway. Don't worry, I'm just waiting for the confirmation and by next week all will be ready and set. 

Until today, 6 days passed, that very Sunday, I had the best day, with my family and close friends. I hope they enjoyed the party as much as I did. I'm still waiting for the official photos from Michelle, though I already grabbed some from Travis' godparents. You can click the here to check some pictures. 

THANK YOU ALL. You made this day - perfect. God bless You. Travis loves You.

August 11, 2011

Travis is ONE YEAR OLD

now one1

now one2

now one3

now one4

now one5

Happy 1st Birthday to you, my Travis

Thank you for coming into our life. 
We love you so much!

Just one thing, don't grow up too fast huh. 

Footnote: Sorry for making this post short, will be celebrating this day with him, and that starts NOW, besides it's his day, right? 

Tomorrow it's Daddy Jason's birthday naman. Whew.

August 7, 2011

And the winnersssssss are..

I'll make this fast.


Here are the winnersssss, yes, we had SIX!


Jing Ayuban

Stacy Lyn Liong

Christian geronimo

Donna May E. Collado

Han Abello

Genesis Grace Paredes-Dawal

My apology for this late post. Oh, and I'm having a hard time uploading the video. Here's some BTS shots.


Congratulations ALL! Check you emails within today on how to claim your domains! Yay!


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